- Network server can now handle multiple incoming connections at the same time
- Fixed a crash when using multiple scan tabs
- Fixed several assembler/disassembler bugs
- Fixed issues where deleting a breakpoint wouldn’t actually remove it, causing a crash
- Fixed a problem where deleting a breakpoint that was marked for deletion would never happen if the game was constantly triggering the debugger
- Fixed the 6.2 and earlier version of opendialog_execute
- Fixed memscan.waitTillDone() when using it on the gui memscan
- Fixed speedhack_setSpeed() not taking more than 3 digits
D3D Hook
- Direct3D9 objects now support transparency
- Fix detection of which directx version is actually used for rendering
Dissect Data
- Fixed the column click detection when scrolled
Auto Assembler
- Fixed some commands not highlighting properly
- Fixed ultimap so it now works in windows 8
- Fixed the hotkeys
- Fixed the hint popup for pre-emptive flushing
- Fixed a problem where 32-bit modules where detected as 64-bit
Memory Scan
- Fixed next scan causing a buffer overflow in some rare situations
Form Designer
- Fixed a problem where deleting a non visible object failed (press the delete key in the object inspector tree)
Trainer Designer
- Fixed the go back to generated form from functioning and related issues
- Fixed a possibility where a bad PE header could cause an read error
Memory view
- Hexview: Fix 8-byte value editing
Syntax Highlighters
- LUA/AA: Fixed UTF8 encoded text
- AA: Added xmm registers
Additions and changes
- Address List: Added a group option that shows a +/- sign in front of group entries
- Address List: Pressing enter on a single entry now goes into value edit mode
- Address List: Added an option so certain entries in the address list show a groupbox the user can pick from
- Auto Assembler: New auto assembler templates that focus on Array of Byte scans(thanks to jgoemat)
- Auto Assembler: The auto assembler can now handle {$LUA} and {$ASM} preprocessors for multiline lua scripts
- Break And Trace: Added a donottrace.txt file in the base directory which holds a list of modules that should not be traced but stepped over instead
- Pointerscan: Improved performance of the pointer scanner
- Pointerscan: The pointerscan now has the option to generate a lot smaller .PTR files
- Pointerscan: Added the ability to do a distributed pointerscan and pointer rescan
- ProcessList: You can now type in the processlist to filter for the specific process
- Network: Added a basic ARM assembler/disasembler
- Network: The linux/android network version can now use basic debugging (find what access/writes)
- Network: Added speedhack to the network version
- Network: The network version now compresses read/write process memory before sending to the client. The compression level can be changed at runtime
- Network: Added module injection for linux/android
- Symbols: Added better support for .PDB debug files so parameters and local variable references show when that data is available
- Symbols: Added support for .Net
- Symbols: Added support for Java (proof-of-concept showing off the extendabilty of CE)
- Symbols: Added support for Mono (^)
- Memory view: Hexview: Added decimal display modes for the other types
- Memory View: Added shift-scrollng to the hexview and disassembler so you can scroll by 1 byte changes instead of the default calculated sizes
- Stack View: Added a search option
- D3D Hook: you can now reattach the D3D hook to a process that previously had been hooked
- Lua engine window: Added a search and replace option to the editor
- Lua engine window: Added the ability to set breakpoints, inspect variables and step over lines
- Lua engine window: Enabled tab indentation of blocks
- Lua engine window: Some extra customization options
- Trainer Generator: Replaced the beepOnAction with playSoundOnAction and added 2 build in activate/deativate sounds. (You can override them)
- Trainer Generator: The XM file field now has a play button
- Lua/Trainer Generator/Designer: Added several new components , propertes and methods.
- Lua: Added a dll search path to cedir\clibs32 or cedir\clibs64 depending on which cheat engine version is used. Use it for lua extentions
- Lua: Made it more forgiving about method and property names
- Lua: Added some threading helper functions
- Lua: You can now override the disassembler/assembler
- Lua: Lots of other new features. Check out main.lua
Big thanks to SER[G]ANT for providing us with the latest translation files for the Russian language.
Post release fixes (max 7 days after initial release *or 30 if a HUGE bug):
- 20-06-2014: Fixed an issue with the driver not responding to Cheat Engine even if it has a proper signature
- 26-06-2014: Fixed custom types in data dissect, fixed the Visible property of forms, and changed the way unreadable addresses are handled