Additions and changes:
From patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5:
- removed the driver requirement for the access memory regions tool
- added 1 byte jmp instructions (that will install an exeption handler and place an int3 at the location)
- added a scanoption so you can skip unpaged memory. (should prevent targets from eating up RAM when scanned)
- reassemble() now rewrites an instruction using multiple lines when needed
- make some error messages more descriptive
- added an option to center the highlighted disassembler code to the center
- added an explanation why the driver won’t load and a link with info on how to get it to load for now
- memoryrecord hotkeys can now be disabled individually
- codefilter: unwind info now gives less bad results
- added support for pseudo-ops like cmpss/sd/ps/pd
- lua: added ceserver commands
- lua: show a stacktrace on execution error
- lua: added convertToUTF8(stringbytetable, regioncode)
- made loading CT files with signatures possible under wine and proton
From patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3:
- ceserver: pipe support (mono data dissector)
- ceserver: added change memory protection capability
- ceserver: Available options can now be sent to the CE GUI
- .netinfo: Replaced the fields view with a tree
- network config: The processlist now has focus after opening a server
- lua: added virtualstringtree
- lua: added invertColor
- lua: added disassembleBytes(bytestring)
- autoassembler: now a visual warning is shown when nearby allocation fails
- autoassembler: the templates now generate 14 byte jmp safe original code blocks as well
- pointerscan now has a deviation option for «pointer must end with offset» to help find pointers back after
update - ultimap: added copy selected results to clipboard
From patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2
- ipt: Added intel process trace feature provided by microsoft.
- ceserver: Improve the modulelist fetch speed, more stable
- ceserver: option to disconnect from closed ceservers
- ceserver: the discovery list is now also a history list
- ceserver: implement injection on arm64 as well
- ceserver: also gets the fpu registers now
- assembler x86_64: prefer mov rax,[rip+xxx] over mov rax,[imm64]
- disasembler x86_64: switch from r#l to r#b because why not
- mono: the dll now has a versioncheck so that you don’t accidentally mix monodatacollector dll’s
- mono: deal with situations where there is no mainform
- mono/.net: the methodlist is now sorted by name
- better arm disassembler and assembler
- better arm64 disassembler and assembler
- the scanregions can be saved/loaded upon close/start ce (seperate option in settings)
- added an option to skip loading .PDB files
- a lot more functions are exposed to newstate threads
- added ranges scans to groupscan
- freeze+allow increase/decrease now also looks if the value is signed
- trainers: Forms and controls now scale based on DPI
- changing record showassigned/showashex now also applies to other selected entries
- texttraces now don’t save as .cetrace but as .txt now
- ccode: #include now searches table files for files there as well
- ccode: the internal symbolhandler can now deal with stdcalled function symbols
- lua: added ImageIndex property to TTreeNode
- lua: added OnValuechanged and OnValueChangedByUser callbacks to MemoryRecord objects
- lua: added getOpenedFileSize()
- lua: added onHelpEvent callback
- lua: added releaseDebugFiles()
- lua: added enumRegisteredSymbolLists() and enumRegisteredSymbols()
- lua: added getBitmap method to ImageList objects
From public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1:
- added .Visible property to treenode entries
- added .VisibleRowCount and .TopItem to listviews
- added arm64 disassembling and assembling
- added lua function «runCommand»
- added a radiobutton to select if the generated script will use 5 or 14 byte jmps.
- conditional jumps can now deal 2gb+ destinations (will get rewritten)
- dotnetinfo: Performance improvement
- memory record hotkeys now have a «Only while down» option
- Updated the dbghelp to a more recent version which can better handle nowadys pdb symbols
- different memory allocations now get placed within the initial allocation block. Protection is changed
afterwards - tracer can now step over rep instructions
- lua stringstream now inherits from memorystream, so you have access to the Memory field
- lua: Added a callback for whenever the structure list is modified
- added architecture distinguishing to ceserver
- pressing escape in the hotkey form will now close it
- added nested structure support
- added string based custom types
- ctrl+enter in the disassembler now shows relative addresses from that point
- the diffcount in «find out what accessess/writes» will now stay even when disabling the option to find the
number of different addresses an instruction accesses
From patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5:
- vehdebug: Fixed a case where a new thread creation or other event would cause another event that would trigger
at exactly the same time to get the exception ignored and just continued - monodatacollector: fixed invoke method
- dotnetdatacollector: Fixed issue of loading a wrong version of dbgshim.dll
- fixed disassembling cvtdq2pd
From patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3:
- ceserver: Fixed extension loading in some cases
- ceserver: fixed stepping on x86 targets
- fixed the name showing as [physical memory] instead of the filename when opening a file
- fixed a rare error when scanning using specific options
- fixed some documentation in celua at some points
- fixed stackview in «more info» being garbage/access violation
- fixed tracer search for instructions ending with ]
- fixed enumExports lua function
- fixed issue where vehdebug would crash
- fixed the assembler from handing [rex+reg*x] as a symbol when debugging
- fixed the disassembler backlist
- fixed termination issue on the memscan object
From patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2
- Fixed the tracer search for instructions ending with a ]
- VEH debug: Fixed the potential of invalid handles being used
- Kernelmode debug and VEH debug: Fixed setting context on non suspended threads
- fixed the lua_pcallk delegate in the c# plugin example
- fixed speedhack on wine 7.0
- fixed high dpi issue of structure dissect on first view
- fixed high dpi issue on find what access/writes dialogs
- restored the anchor editor (was gone in 7.4.1)
- fixed .net info instance lookup issue
- fixed customtypes getting marked as string (bug introduced in 7.4.1)
- fixed runcommand
- fixed modalforms from losing their text color internally (bug introduced in 7.4.1)
- mac: fixed some progressbars not properly updating
From public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1:
- fixed the all type not finding 4 types when double was deselected
- fixed the «all» type when not using double
- fixed ccode esp access in 32-bit and «reg»f types
- fixed disassembling when using binutils for disassembly
- fixed the tablefiles menulist eating memory because they didn’t get deleted properly
- fixed .net issues that use obfoscated modules and missing metadata
- fixed paring value starting with a – or +
- fixed assembling pmovmskb
- fixed disassembling vgather* vex256 instructions and allow usage of xmm/ymm registers as address (for
instructions that allow it. Like this one) - fixed the addresslist not giving a proper error when using multiple enable or disable section
- fixed error when using ctrl for speedhack hotkeys
- fixed the groupscan command parser from assigning wildcard to the wrong combobox
- fixed disassembling xchg eax/rax,xxx
- fixed lua custom type registering as float when using the non lua function method
- fixed small memoryscan issue for data at the end of a memoryblock
- ccode doesn’t register useless symbols anymore